Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Video Montage of My Life

The moivie, What Dreams May Come acutally explains a lot of my emotions. There are others that I relate to as well. Like, The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood and maybe even a little bit of Fried Green Tomatoes. Now just because, I'm having "Deep Thoughts By Jack Handey" doesn't mean that there needs to be some sort of intervention arranged to cure me....in fact, I'm pretty sure there is no cure, so you may as well just give up.

Hey! At least I have a good sense of humor about it all in the end, right?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Worry Warts

I have to say that I'm very flattered that there is more than one person out there that worries about me. I hate that my life brings up such emotions in others though. It's very nice to know that you have people that care enough about you to think of you more than once a month or even more than once a year! It's not like each one of us can be the center of the universe no matter how much we'd like to be. So knowing that there are those that care that much, certainly humbles me. I feel that I should apologize for causing the worry, however.
The source of the worry, of course, makes me somewhat embarassed since I'm an adult of 32 years and shouldn't be causing anyone to wonder how I'm doing. Unfortunately, I am a woman with hormones, depression and a short temper. The woman part alone is enough for most, wouldn't you say? I mean the extra X chromosome causes so much trouble in and of itself that when you add anything else to it, you're bound to have some issues here and there. In fact, in my opinion, (as insignificant as it is) there should seperate rules all together for the female species. If you ask a man, I'm sure he would say that there already are. Maybe that's true, but could we at least make an estrogen room in every household that women can enter and it be understood that it's just "one of those times" and you should really just walk away if you value your life?
I'm joking for the most part.....but I bet you're wondering aren't you? LOL

Monday, September 6, 2010

Changing Directions

I went to my doctor and because of the sleeplessness, he decided to change my medication. A new antidepressant and I can tell. I'm getting sad and irritable again. I'm hoping it's just because the new medication hasn't kicked in just yet. I'm also hoping that the muscle tension in my face will go away. Right now I'm feeling like I just want to stay home and be alone. I know that isn't good but it's how I feel anyway. I'm also trying to keep my mouth shut because I think I might end up saying something that will cause awkwardness or a fight....and I'm sure I'm being irrational because every time I look back at my "emotional states" I always admit to how irrational my thinking is. Knowing that, I figure it's the same thing this time.
Maybe it will be better tomorrow?