Monday, July 5, 2010

Here I Go Again?!

You know I am just about fed up with this depression crap! I have no reason what so ever to be depressed and yet I find myself with that familiar old feeling creeping back into my life. It seriously makes me just want to give up. I mean, if it just keeps coming back over and over again with no rhyme or reason then what's the point?
I have a beautiful and loving family, a good job, great friends and therefore NO reason to have any of these feelings! It's actually starting to really piss me off!!! What the hell?
Oh! And then there's the monthly insomnia which is why I'm typing this gem of a blog after midnight. You know I had started thinking that the insomnia and the depression came at specific times of the month and that it was related to my cycle, but now I'm not so sure. I had some incidents before my period this time around and now I'm having this current problem which is after my period. Not so sure that the two are in synch now. (Just a side note, I suck at spelling so please ignore any gramatical errors, yes another tangent)
Maybe one day I'll get lucky and this stupid shit will go away. I'm really at the point where I just want to cut out my thyroid and all my female parts if those two things will help me to get to be a normal type person. Right now, I am anything but normal! I feel like a freak...

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